Thank you for having the ‘Big Conversation’

Posted: 23rd November 2017

From July through to September 2017, Salford Together partners, including Salford Primary Care Together, have been out in the community finding out your views on how we can transform the delivery of Salford health and care services. 

Over three busy months, staff and partners have been reaching out and speaking directly to the Salford community to hear views of members of the public, at a range of venues; neighbourhood community meetings, local shopping centres and summer events. Special thanks to Key 103, media partner and supporters of the campaign, spreading the word via the Key 103 bus out at various festivals and events. 

Analysis is being carried out on the main themes and messages coming from participants’ comments, and this learning will be integrated into the ongoing transformation agenda for Salford.

The Salford Together team inspired people to take action to improve their health, use health and care services differently and make better use of community groups and activities. We are all responsible for our own health and wellbeing, making small changes can make big differences. We saw hundreds of residents make a pledge, often a small change that would have a big impact on them and the services that provide care. Thanks to everyone who contributed and watch this space for updates – we hope to have the results to share soon!

You can read about the latest from the #BigConversation on Twitter or alternatively catch up with Salford Together’s engagement activities from the last couple of months including Big Day Out in Salford and Out and About in Eccles and watch the latest films on Multidisciplinary Group working and Out & About in Eccles with the Big Conversation!