EPIC 24 – Extended Integrated Primary Care

The EPiC 24 service continues to evolve integrating primary urgent care services via a digital clinical hub, allowing us to ensure that patients in Salford can access the care they need, when they need it and in the most appropriate setting.

Over the last year, Salford Primary Care Together has seen the service be recognised at both regional and national events. Our learning, supported by our data and outcomes, has been shared more widely and SPCT continues to learn from others. This ensures that we remain at the forefront whilst delivering our services, innovating and designing new pathways to improve our patient journeys.

The services currently delivered by EPiC 24 across Salford include:

  • GP Out of Hours
  • Primary Care Streaming
  • Locality Clinical Assessment Service
  • Surge capacity / locality response
  • Urgent Treatment Centre

GP Out of Hours: Takes referrals from NHS111 from 6:30pm until 8:00am on week days, and all day Saturday and Sunday.

Primary Care Streaming: Screening all ambulatory patients attending the Emergency Department and ensuring patients are directed to the correct pathway.

Locality Clinical Assessment Service: These are patients who have contacted NHS111 and would usually be advised to attend ED within one hour.

Surge Capacity / locality response: Include service such as the COVID hot clinics, Acute Respiratory Hubs and increasing capacity due to system pressure.

Urgent Treatment Centre: The model has been certified as urgent treatment centre following an in person visit by NHS England.

Given the innovative way that EPiC 24 integrates pathways, the model not only meets UTC standards but goes further on a virtual footprint. It was reviewed by NHS England and this resulted in EPiC 24 being certified as a UTC. We received very complimentary feedback with regards to patient safety, patient education, governance and the integration of complex pathways.

SPCT is one of the first UTCs to be recognised as delivering care in this manner.

EPiC 24 has continued to deliver high quality care, maintaining excellent KPI’s despite significantly increasing demand. To achieve this, the service had to be very responsive to meet surges in demand. Salford Primary Care Together are very pleased to report that despite the increased demand there has not been a decrease / reduction in service provision.

GP OOH: consistently performing above 95% target for call backs, face to face appointments and home visits for urgent and routine cases.

LCAS: 80% of all cases who would have an ED outcome in Salford have avoided attending ED because of the LCAS intervention.

Primary Care Streaming: Averaging above 60 patients a day being streamed (illustrated below)