The Academy team are a small team funded from external sources and provide support and advice for training to clinical and non-clinical staff in Salford and across Greater Manchester (GM). The team works closely with the Greater Manchester Training Hub (GMTH) on projects such as the General Practice Nurse course.
In the last 12 months:
- Supported 10 PCN Trainee PN on behalf of the Locality.
- Placed PA/Student Nurses and Paramedics across all PCNs.
- Sourced and Commissioned training courses for staff across Salford.
- Redesigned GPN course for GMTH after evaluation and supported over 70 Newly Qualified Nurses in 6 months with the revised programme.
- Set up Training Pod Trainers on behalf of GM.
- Supported GM reservist programme with HCSW programme.
- Lead on Salford Training Pod upskilling staff in new roles i.e. HCSW.
- Worked with GM with reintroduction of spirometry programme.